Step by Step Read online

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  Suddenly there was a loud bang as one side of the plane hit the water. The entire cabin shook and everyone braced themselves as the other wing crashed hard. Jasmine lurched forward, banging her head against the seat in front. Overhead lockers opened up and bags poured out into the aisles and on top of people. A trolley surged towards the cockpit and then back in the aisle, taking out anything in its wake. The lights flashed and then darkened and Jasmine thought for a second that she might lose her mind with sheer blind terror.

  Water began to seep through the floor and she knew if she didn’t move quickly, she would be taken down with the plane. Nathan sat completely still, as if frozen in panic. Jasmine screamed at him, but everything seemed to be happening in slow motion as if he were watching a movie in front of him.

  Finally something snapped, when Sean shouted, “GO!”

  He flipped back the latch of the seatbelt and stood up quickly, taking Jasmine’s hand and pulling her after him through the mass of bodies. Everyone scrambled to do something – anything that would get them out of there, but some had lost the ability to reason properly. A man in his sixties sat near the exit and wouldn’t move as people screamed at him to pull the handle to open it up. Nathan pushed him aside and kicked heavily once, then again at the glass until it opened outwards. A thick yellow slide unfurled and hit the water with a splash and began to inflate automatically. He grabbed the man and pushed him towards the opening and down the slide into the water, where he watched him swim over to one of the wings.

  There was a rumble inside the cabin and the sound of metal twisting and turning. Light appeared over their heads and they realised that the fuselage was coming apart. “We have to go,” shouted Sean. Jasmine grabbed him and together, they went one after the other down the slide and into the icy chill of the water.

  Jasmine gasped in shock and fought to get enough air into her lungs. She screamed and flailed about in the water until Sean came to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and dragged her over to one of the wings. She pushed back against him and let him take control as he moved through the water, carrying her until she found somewhere she could grip onto.

  “Where’s Nathan?” she screamed, panic filling her voice. They looked around at the mass of bodies that were leaving the plane and entering the water. Shouts and screams filled the air and she looked in every direction, not seeing a familiar face in the crowd. Suddenly she heard his voice and she spun around and saw him breaking through the water and swimming over to them.

  “You OK?” he asked, running his fingers over Jasmine’s head. A small stream of blood had started to flow, where she had hit it earlier.

  In that moment, she didn’t think, her body went on automatic and she pulled him in close to her and kissed him deeply on the lips. Her tongue played over his and he pulled her close and kissed her back with such force that she was woken from her trance. She pulled back, “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, “I don’t know what I’m doing”

  Sean looked at his brother and an unspoken exchange between them sent fire ripping through Nathan’s belly.

  “I’m just glad that you’re OK,” he said, stroking her face gently. “That you’re both OK,” he said, nodding at Sean.

  All around them, more and more people struggled in the water. Sean held onto the wing and hauled himself up with his muscular arms. He steadied himself as the plane bobbed up and down and looked around. “There’s land over there,” he shouted and pointed to the distance. “We have to get over there”

  He jumped back down with a splash and looked around to see if anyone was giving directions, but the crew were busy helping people down the slides. “It could be a while before anyone comes to look for us,” he said “and I don’t fancy our chances staying in water where there’s probably sharks looking for a free meal”

  Jasmine hated when Sean tried to take charge, but in that moment, she couldn’t have been more grateful. She let go her of her grip on the wing and the three swam away from the plane and out into the ocean.

  “I don’t know if I can make it that far,” Jasmine gasped, as they battled against the waves. It wasn’t particularly rough, but it had been so long since she had last swum, that her arms began to tire.

  “I’ve got you,” said Sean, “but I need you to work with me. There’s no other choice, we have to make it or we become shark food. I’m not going to let that happen to you – so you keep swimming,” he shouted.

  Jasmine’s life seemed to play out in front of her eyes. Every moment that she had hidden how she felt seemed to fall away into insignificance. Why had she held herself back?

  The light was beginning to fade and just as the moon was coming up, they landed on the sandy shore, washed up by the waves. Jasmine coughed, spluttered and spat out the sea water she had drunk.

  Her two brothers crawled across the sand and Nathan flopped down exhausted, while Sean sat up and turned to look at where they had come from. The only noise to be heard was the waves crashing against the shore. They couldn’t make out the plane and only a few red dots scattered here and there pointed out the life jackets of passengers, but no one seemed to have followed them.

  “We’re safe now,” said Sean, pushing his wet hair back from his face and trying to catch his breath. “Though who knows where we are”

  “All I cared about was getting out of that water,” said Nathan. “Meeting fishy friends in the night is not my idea of fun”

  Jasmine lay silent on the ground, her breasts rising and falling as she ran over in her head what had just happened and how lucky the three of them had been. She dreaded to think what could have happened if the plane entered the water at a slightly different angle or a million other little chances that could have cost her her life. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she began to sob.

  “Hey, sis, everything’s OK,” said Nathan. He crawled on all fours across the sand to her and stroked her hair softly. “We’re all here, that’s all that matters”

  She nodded and bit her lip. “I know, you’re right,” she said in between sobs. Her bottom lip quivered and she started to tremble.

  “Ssh,” Nathan said softly. “We’re both here with you” Then unexpectedly, he leaned down and kissed her on the lips with such force that it stopped her cries. An electric spark jolted through her and she kissed him hungrily. Heat inflamed her blood and he pulled her close until Sean spoke up.

  “We’re going to have to start a fire guys, unless you two plan to freeze”

  Jasmine suddenly remembered where she was and they pulled apart and eyed each other guiltily. “I’ll help collect wood,” said Nathan, jumping up.

  “How do you two plan on starting a fire? Rubbing two rocks together?” she said

  There were no lights on the island that they could see from where they were. The only light came from the moon and a sprinkling of stars in the blackness.

  “No matches or lighters in carry on, remember?”

  Sean nodded. “I’ve seen it done before, it might take a while, but I’ll try”

  Every possible emotion ran through her and gathered in her belly like a storm brewing. She wanted to laugh and to cry at the absurdity of the situation they found themselves in. She was angry but she wanted to be held. Instead she sat quietly in the sand and waited.


  After what seemed like an age, the two came trekking back in the darkness. They’d ventured into the jungle that covered most of the island and had managed to collect enough sticks and kindling for a fire, if they knew how to start one.

  Sean got onto his knees and placed a flat piece of wood on top of a rock. He used a discarded shell to carve a little hole in it and placed a stick upright in the hole, tied to another with the cord from his pants. He began to pull at it, making it twist and pull in position, but nothing seemed to be happening.

  “Do you need help?” Jasmine asked softly.

  “No!” he shouted, taking both her and Nathan by surprise. His face was hot and enraged and he got back to working the s
tick with a huff. They sat beside him in a tense silence for what seemed like an age until a few sparks began to appear in the groove of the wood. He kneeled down and placed a few dry leaves around it and began to blow until it caught and fire licked around the bottom of the stick.

  He began to laugh like a mad man and threw more sticks onto the growing flame until they had something big enough to sit around.

  “I’m sorry,” said Sean after a lengthy quiet. “Everything just got to me…and then…I saw you two, I don’t know, it just hit a nerve”

  Nathan and Jasmine looked from one to the other and she began to blush. She didn’t know what came over her earlier or him on the beach, but she did know that it felt really good.

  “I know man,” said Nathan, slapping his brother in the shoulder.

  “Wait, what do you know?” said Jasmine, looking from one to the other suspiciously.

  Nathan flinched and looked at Sean and something unspoken passed between them.

  “There’s something you two aren’t telling me,” she said. “Spill it”

  “Fine!” Sean through his arms up in the arm and sighed. “I’ve kinda had a thing for you ever since we were kids. It’s not a big deal; it was never something I planned to tell you”

  “It is a big deal,” said Nathan. “The only reason you’ve been fucking around with so many girls is ‘cause you’re looking for a substitute for her, at least be honest”

  Sean flushed and nodded, Jasmine had never seen him looking hotter. His black beard stood out in the darkness against his face and his shoulder length hair hung about his cheeks.

  Jasmine stood up and moved across to him. She ran her hands softly down his muscular biceps and kissed him gently on the neck. “Is that true?” she whispered, though she felt him tensing up at her touch.

  “I wanted to protect you,” he said feeling angry that it had even come up. “Even if that meant from me”

  “Why would I need protecting from you?” Jasmine whispered, her eyebrows raised in puzzlement. “We’ve known each other since we were kids”

  “Exactly,” he spat. “And every relationship I’ve ever had, I somehow always manage to fuck it up. I would never want to do that to you, I care about you too much for that”

  A knot twisted in her belly at his words and sparks sprayed from her heart. All she had ever wanted in life was her stepbrothers. She moved around him and sat gently in his lap. He moved his head away and tensed, wondering whether to push her off him half-heartedly or not. She leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. He tasted like salt and she licked his mouth and played over his tongue with hers.

  Sean fought an internal battle with himself. He wanted her more than anything, but he would never want to lose her from his life and that’s what always happened. He grabbed her hips, his fingers biting into her skin and kissed her back. She tasted like a mixture of salty and sweet and he curled his tongue over hers and he tasted her greedily.

  Jasmine pulled back gently and looked into his eyes, “you could never hurt me, because I know you love me and I know that you would do anything for the people you love” He pulled her close and kissed her again until heat began to rake upwards along his spine. She unconsciously ground her hips against him, and she felt a swelling increase beneath his pants.

  “He’s not the only one,” Nathan called over.

  Jasmine looked up quickly and saw her other stepbrother watching her with need in his eyes. “Since the day we moved into your house, we both hoped we would someday get a chance to be with you, but neither of us had the balls to do anything about it back then”

  Nathan got up and walked behind her and kissed her gently on the back of the neck, his lips grazing her skin until a river of wetness began to flow between her thighs. She looked from one to the other and sighed, “I could never choose between you, I love you both too much”

  Nathan pulled her face towards him and kissed her again, “What if you don’t have to?”

  She scrunched up her brows and looked at him confused, “What are you saying?”

  “That you don’t have to pick. What if you could have both of us?”

  Her puss tightened at the thought of having both stepbrothers. They were big and muscular and one alone made her feel tiny, but the two? She hadn’t even considered that possibility.

  “Why not?” said Nathan. “All either of us wants is to fill you with pleasure, but you mean more to us than that, you always have”

  A hot shiver rolled down her spine and she blinked quickly, trying to process his words. Was he actually offering her her fantasy since she had been a teenager? She bit her lip and leaned into his kiss as he ran his hands over the curves of her full breasts, sending tingles running all over her body.

  Sean pressed his hardness against her and she turned to kiss him. “This is what you do to me,” he groaned. “What you have been doing to me for years”

  Jasmine’s mind spun. Sean pulled her wet top from her body and unhooked her bra, revealing her full tits, with little pink nipples. Goosebumps blew across her skin, but she didn’t feel the cold.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said softly, the glow from the fire dancing in his eyes.

  He leaned down to circle her nipple with his tongue, sucking and lapping at her until they stood like two stiff little points. Jasmine moaned and raked her nails over his back as he pulled her close. He trailed wetness across her chest and clamped his lips around the other nipple, sending a blaze of fire coursing through her blood. She entangled her fingers through his hair and held him close as he made sparks light up inside her.

  Nathan tugged at her trousers and she stood up for him to peel them slowly from her skin. She was soaked through and it felt so good to feel the heat from the fire on her nakedness. She saw the change in him as he looked at her; his nostrils flared and his pupils grew large and dark. He wanted her badly – no other girl had ever had the effect on him that she had. Now it was time to make her realize.

  He fell onto the sand and pulled her on top of him. “What about you?” she smiled. “Aren’t I going to see what you’re hiding underneath?”

  Nathan whipped off his top and Jasmine breathed in sharply at the sight of his tanned abs, with tattoos across his muscular arms. “I didn’t know you had those,” she said. He undid the cord to his pants and pulled them down, “how many times have you seen me naked?” he grinned, pressing his hard cock against her belly.

  Only in her mind, but she would never admit to that.

  She rocked her hips side to side against him and he ran his hands over the softness of her ass. “I can’t wait to get inside you,” he teased. “Until my cock is filling every one of your holes and you’re covered in my cum” Her puss clenched at his words and she ground her swollen clit against him.

  Jasmine wriggled, kissing slowly down his body until she came to his cock – hard, pink and delicious. Her mouth began to water at the sight. He watched as she flashed him a mischievous grin and circled the tip, covering him in wetness. She pushed him deep into the back of her throat and he groaned loudly and watched her lips part to take him in. He throbbed with need and she licked along the stiffness of his shaft and down to his balls.

  “I love watching you take my cock in your mouth,” he groaned and wrapped her hair between his fingers. Her hot breath on his skin was driving him wild and she teased him over and over, flattening her tongue and toying him with long fat licks along his shaft, then moving to flick the head over and over. She loved his taste and the fullness of him in her mouth. Every stroke set her juices flowing from her puss.

  Sean came to stand over her, he spread her legs wide.

  “I need to make you come,” he said “and you’re so fucking wet”

  He parted her glistening pussy lips and pushed one and then two fingers inside, making her moan in delight. She pushed back and spread her thighs, exposing herself and giving him all of her to do what he liked with.

  Sean leaned down and licked slowly. He traced his tongu
e along her pussy lips and she began to tremble and her muscles twitched beyond her control. He spiralled over her clit until she began to moan onto Nathan’s cock. She bucked her hips, but he held her down and slid slowly upward until he came to her ass. She moaned long and hard and Sean gripped her ass cheeks and pulled him apart roughly. He had been waiting for this for far too long.

  Jasmine pressed upwards and he ran his tongue over her tight little knot. Her eyes shot wide open and he circled her with juicy wetness until she pulled back and moaned softly. Wetness trickled from her puss.

  “Please,” she begged. “I need you”

  Sean held her down and sucked and laved at her. He reached between her thighs and found her swollen clit and tugged at her centre until she began to whimper under his touch.

  Nathan pulled her up to him urgently. He ran the tip of his cock over her soft, glistening folds. Every sound that passed her lips made him harder. “I need to feel your pussy stretched around my cock,” he growled and pressed her entrance. She sat up and hovered over the tip, circling her hips for him. His cock was big – she’d never had one that big to compare.